About Us

Welcome to Our Farmhouse
Howdy! I’m so happy you’re here! My name is Lauren, wife to my college sweetheart and homeschooling mom of three busy boys!
My response to more things than my husband, Chris, would like to hear is “I [We] can DIY that.” Anything that involves being creative is where I thrive: building, sewing, crafting, crocheting, cooking, baking, and gardening. We are currently working to renovate our home from builder-grade to custom-made one DIY project at a time.
A growing passion of mine is learning to cook like my grandma – from scratch and with whole foods. After becoming a mama, I became even more aware of the health importance of each ingredient as well as the family time spent around the table with a home-cooked meal.
I am a big advocate on natural living and the effects it has on your family’s health and in your home. Our natural living journey began back when milk was essentially the only organic item you could find in the store and long before avocado toast became a thing.
We dream of the day we can purchase our farmhouse on land and live a more simple, natural lifestyle.
Join me in our handmade, homemade, natural living journey.

A Little About Me
- As you might have guessed from the “howdy,” we are from Texas!
- I have a degree in architecture and a real estate license.
- Corgis hold a special place in my heart and have been members of my family since I was 4 years old.
- We are a former U.S. Navy family and have had our family’s story published in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Military Families.
- I am blatantly unaware of how many times I say the word “y’all.”
- I have loved salsa (and anything spicy) since I was a toddler.
Handmade + Homemade + Naturally
“For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God.”